I'm using the .gif maker called %26quot;GIMP%26quot;. It's fine and all but for some reason everytime i add 2 pictures together to make a .gif (Eg.. a doll with eyes open and a doll with eyes closed) to appear like it's blinking. The program always changes the colors of one of the pictures (Eg... the 1st picture will be fine, the gif will switch pics like it's sapposed to and then the second picture will be werid colors it's not sapposed to be)... Is there a problem with my layering or somthing? I tried re-making the pics and stuff but nuthing i do works and no tutorials seem to help with this problem..... Help Please????
Troubles Making .gifs on Gimp...Help???
GIFs do not use the full RGB color range, they are limited to paletted color. After assembling each of the animation frames (each frame should be a single layer), go to the top of the image window, go up to the menus, go to Image/Mode/Indexed, pick 'generate optimum palette' and set the maximum number of colors to 256. Now save your GIF (and of course, remember to set the animation options). You should get a properly colored GIF. If you are using a very large number of colors, you may find that some of the colors shift slightly, but you shouldn't get a totally shifted and horrible-looking set of colors anywhere.