Saturday, 24 September 2011

Do you feel unrepresented by either the Democrats or the Republicans?

Currently I felt that the Democrats are always supportive of greater change in social programs but often meet opposition from their Republican opponents and are therefore slow to get enough votes to pass powerful laws. So I am disillusioned by either affiliation and considering to either go third party or go nonpartisan because I want much greater change in the government.

Who else here feels unrepresented by either the Democrats or the Republicans?
Do you feel unrepresented by either the Democrats or the Republicans?
The GOP left me long ago. The dems never had me. The main difference is the dems just spend more but they both suck!

My rep is OK but I don't think he pushes hard enough and he's in the minority. My senators are a disaster! Ms. Barbs Boxer is so arrogant when she wasn't called %26quot;senator.%26quot; I hope next November she won't have to worry about that tile since she will become a private citizen!

I used to feel that I had to vote for the republican or it would be a vote for the dem. No more. If I don't like either candidate, I'm voting my conscience! Bring on a conservative 3rd party!
Do you feel unrepresented by either the Democrats or the Republicans?
The republicrats are corporate whores.
That's why I voted for Bob Barr . Mclame and Curios George are almost as bad as the Mexican candidates .
both parties are against the people. thats the bottom line.

Yes between the two parties the Republicans are more cozy with the corporations, but the Democrats are right there with them just not quite as intensely.

This is why no bill ever passes where profits will take a back seat to something truly beneficial to the american people. This is why the change candidate Obama elected in the Change election..suddenly while in office appoints the likes of Bernanke, Gates, Geittner, Clinton, brings back Paul Volcker etc.. Obama is a two face traitor to change in my opinion, and I voted for the guy twice..over Hillary and over McCain.

Remember Obama's the people will have a seat at the conference comments during the campaign? I wonder who had that seat for the people when he meets with the bank CEOs and ask them to try to think of some things they can do to help the country...which by the way is one of the most ridiculous comments by a president I have ever heard....please please mr bankers, can you please find it in your heart ..that is if you are not too busy to try to think of some ways to get the country moving again economically. ROFL
I feel unrepresented by both.
I am a canadian and I cannot believe the hate from the right, I cannot believe people actually support the ignorance and hate from the right. Thank goodness its only a few nutbars.
Yup. Everyone in both parties need to be replaced.
Im a conservative and I am thinking the same thing about republicans. Theyre too leftist, and are weak in the face of liberalism. therefore, we need a libertarian conservative party that is much stronger in the congress and can stand up to liberals.
A strong, REAL leftist party is needed, not this wimpy center right party currently %26quot;representing%26quot; the left.

Something where we can say we are not afraid of being labeled as Socialism or leftist values, and admit it.