Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Does changing your diet make your face thinner?

When I first started high school I was a little overweight. I had low self esteem so I decided to do something about it. I worked very hard on changing how much I ate (but not so much WHAT I ate which was still bad.) Anyway, I lost a lot of weight and I was happy with myself. Flash forward a few years... I had a son and wanted to lose the baby fat as soon as possible. Not only did I cut back on how much I ate, I ate way healthier (I.e. very few refined sugars and carbs, very little red meat or meat in general. Never been that big on dairy so don't eat much of that now either. Just fruits and Vegetables and whole grain foods. Only drink water etc...) and I also have been working out. I used to do only cardio to lose weight and now I do cardio and strength training to build muscle as well. So my problem is, I am back down to the weight I once was before having a baby, but i used different ways to achieve it. My body looks amazing but, my face has gotten very thin. It was never this thin before when I was the same weight. I always liked that my face looked fuller, and people used to always guess my age years younger than I was, (this was just over a year and a half ago). Now people think I am my age or much older... My skin looks beautiful but I hate my new thin looks sunken in. I am a normal weight I am not underweight at all. All I can figure is that my diet and exercise program has changed how my face holds weight. Does that mean I need to start stuffing my face with twinkies again to make my cheeks fuller? I don't want to gain weight, as a matter of fact I would have lost more weight if it weren't for my face. Is there anything I can do to make my face plumper again other than gaining weight, eating poorly, or surgery? I love being in good shape but I hate hate hate that it has aged the appearance of my face :(
Does changing your diet make your face thinner?
Eat more fish and meat, and add a little more healthy fat to your diet - fat from fish, avocadoes, coconut oil, etc. This will help your face and skin a lot.
Does changing your diet make your face thinner?
Oh my god you sound exactly like me. I used to love the way my face looked but now its extremely thin and I don't like it anymore. I lost a lot of weight and it definitely changes the appearance of your face. I actually think I was prettier when I was overweight but thats not healthy. I tried what you are talking about stuffing my face to make it fuller again but it does not really change at this point. Thats also not healthy. Just dont worry you will get used to it. Focus on being healthy.