I realize that cigarette commercials were outlawed years ago, but laws can always be changed-right?
So if the S-Chip program is revised and passed.....?
And change the law regarding the legal age to buy cigarettes, make those dang kids pay for their own healthcare and give them a reason to visit the doctor
So if the S-Chip program is revised and passed.....?
And they will sell Whiskey in the School cafeterias!~!
I think probable if they could make money on it,they would let the cigs go up to 30 dollars a pack,and just watch the crime go up from all the damn addicted cig smokers,.looking for their fix.lol..chow my friend.freepress,,,,Hey my friend,,I just remembered many years ago I worked for cig company,,I was forced ,haaa,to smoke lol,,I'm serious ,packs of cigs in a bowl on the meting table each day,,pas the lighter around,,light it up ,,or your out,,talk about B.S LOL
and who will pay for the law if the smokers decide that they refuse to pay an exta dollar for a pack of cigarettes and quits.
any parent that makes between 60-80k a year and doesn't insure their child but has a new car or big house not or member of a country club is pure trash. priorities i guess.
i make 35k per year, i refuse to pay for some kid whose parent drives in a new ride or lives in a 300k house.
if you like socialism, move to canada. leave america to the real americans that want to work hard for a living, earn they way and not want anything free from the government.
The Marlboro Man will ride again!!
They may even start introducing those low tar and nicotene cigarettes like they used too. You remember the ones like...%26quot;I'd rather fight than switch%26quot; or You've come a long way baby.%26quot;
No, the liberal/socialists in the government just want to get their foot in the door. Once we get use to the increased cigarette taxes, they'll move on to something else to raise taxes on, so they can expand this programm, as well as every other government program. Nothing like big intrusive government to tell us what to do and how to run our lives! That's the democrats whole strategy with this. It's also a first step toward socialized medicine.
No, they will buy them over the Internet from other countries, like they are doing now in the State of Michigan. Governor Granholm raised the tax on cigarettes $7.00 a carton, they are now 55.00 a carton or 6.00 a pack in Michigan. The revenue she thought she would get was to go into health care, instead what she got was a shortage of revenue when Michiganders started buying their cigarettes out of state. She did help South Carolina, North Carolina and Kentucky gain revenue though. Another democrats plan that had no thought in it.
Are we speaking about mexican children or american USA children? And I think drunks should pay so they should double the tax on booz
Bush will use his pen again.
Will it fix a bloody thing? nO....
Kids are eating too many chips already.. we need better nutrition in our schools...and keep cigarettes away from kids
With the democrat plan 25 year old 'kids' get health coverage
and families making $80,000 insurance.
So democrats are offering free health insurance to the rich!