Wednesday, 21 September 2011

TERC, or "Investigations Math" program--any teachers or parents with comments on this?

My sons school district just changed to this program the beginning of this school year. My son is in the gifted program as has always made excelllent grades, and now he is making 60's on math papers.

This new math is 'fuzzy logic' type stuff and the kids are not supposed to rely on memorized math facts to get the answers.

I really hate the so subjective, and they are not supposed to have 'right' answers, and yet the answers they come up with are wrong.

Look up TERC on the internet to find some disturbing stuff about this.
TERC, or %26quot;Investigations Math%26quot; program--any teachers or parents with comments on this?
Run, don't walk away from this program. Do whatever you can get it removed from your child's school. Here is a good below link for those who say tht TERC has been adequately revised

Check out NYCHOLD and follow the links. Good luck.