Friday, 7 October 2011

Why Rush Limbaugh can always predict what democrats will do?

RUSH: I want to go back and play audio of me. I don%26#039;t get to listen to myself much, folks. You all listen to the number-one radio program in America. I never get to, because I%26#039;m hosting it, and as such I don%26#039;t get to hear myself, not the way you do. So I like to go back and play sound bites of me, especially when I%26#039;ve predicted something that%26#039;s come true, as this is. August 9th on this program, I predicted this:

RUSH ARCHIVE: Drive-By Media, just echoing whatever the Democrat talking points are of the day, or vice-versa. This is about Maliki. The Drive-Bys are going to try to topple Nuri al-Maliki.

RUSH: The president, premier, whatever, of Iraq, because of course the surge is working, but we have to ignore that now, folks, because the political situation%26#039;s falling apart, and because the political situation is falling apart, we gotta go get Maliki. Lo and behold, Carl Levin, he comes out of Iraq and says, %26quot;You know what? The surge is working. It%26#039;s really working, but...%26quot;

LEVIN: The Maliki government is nonfunctional. So I hope that the Iraqi assembly, when it reconvenes in a few weeks, will vote the Maliki government out of office.

RUSH: That%26#039;s just unbelievable. Still trying to secure defeat in the midst of victory. Now, what%26#039;s interesting is, in the Washington Post today there%26#039;s a story by Jonathan Weisman, and they mention Democrat Representative Baird. We talked about him yesterday. He%26#039;s the head of the House Democrat steering committee. He%26#039;s in Nancy Pelosi%26#039;s leadership triumvirate. Last Friday, this is the guy that told a local newspaper in his district that he believes the US should stay in the country, in Iraq, as long as necessary to ensure stability. He said a lot of other Democrats are changing their views, too. %26quot;Rep. Jerry McNerney (D-Calif.) suggesting that his trip to Iraq made him more flexible in his search for a bipartisan accord on the future U.S. role in the conflict. %26#039;If anything, I%26#039;m more willing to work to find a way forward,%26#039; he told reporters late last month. Rep. Tim Mahoney (D-Fla.), who was with McNerney, told his local paper that the troop increase %26#039;has really made a difference and really has gotten al-Qaeda on their heels.%26#039;%26quot; Durbin basically said we%26#039;re making some measurable progress there.

%26quot;But some Democrats have shifted their views. Baird said yesterday...%26quot; and this is what%26#039;s interesting, %26quot;that Congress%26#039;s debate over the war has destabilized Iraq by sending wary Iraqi politicians back to their sectarian bases of support.%26quot; This is profound, folks. This is a Democrat in Nancy Pelosi%26#039;s leadership triumvirate basically saying that the political situation in Iraq is bad because of the disagreement and the discord that has taken place in the debate in Congress. It%26#039;s destabilized Iraq. In other words, made %26#039;em feel not confident that we%26#039;re in it for the long haul. So the political leaders are going back to their sectarian base, which means the Sunnis and the Shi%26#039;a, rather than unifying, they%26#039;re retreating and going back to their bases, or were. He lays it squarely on the debate going on in Congress, because that%26#039;s destabilizing because it%26#039;s not engendering any confidence. Now, I said earlier that one of the reasons this war has taken so long is because of the Drive-By Media in this country and the Democrats have done everything they can to invest in defeat and own it, and there%26#039;s a demoralization factor for the US troops. It may not be that strong, but I%26#039;ll tell you that it has, certainly over this length of time, encouraged the enemy. And now we find out that it%26#039;s destabilizing the Iraqi political situation that Carl Levin wants to solve by kicking Maliki out of office. That would really destabilize things. These guys are still angling for defeat, make no mistake about it.

Why Rush Limbaugh can always predict what democrats will do?
I noticed that when my son is doing his pain pills (the ones he is prescribed and does legally) that he is able to predict things correctly also. Maybe it%26#039;s the narcotics!
Why Rush Limbaugh can always predict what democrats will do?
Politicians on both sides are completely transparent....everybody already knows what is going to happen on both doesn%26#039;t take a genius.
with the mindless democrats its about easy as predicting that

%26quot; this here 8 month old %26quot; will soil his diaper
Of course he knows what%26#039;s going to happen - he%26#039;s PART of the elite that control what happens!
What a waste of points and web space
Rush knows the play book the democrats wrote a few decades back, it hasn%26#039;t changed so they are almost predictable. If you missed it they had Rush on the Fox 1/2 news hour for a bit, make sure you see it was well a rush ;-)

Fatboy Notslim got something right,according to winger groupthink that is.

Of course he%26#039;s gonna play it up like he%26#039;s all infallible and stuff.
He%26#039;s just like Jeanne Dixon. If you throw out enough predictions, statistics say some of them will come true. BTW, you really didn%26#039;t expect us to read all that, did you?
It%26#039;s not an Iraqi government, it%26#039;s a Bush government.

Look what he%26#039;s done for us. You think it%26#039;s any better for Iraq?
Rush is a propagandist who is smart enough to see the logical and correct outcome and then argue vehemently against it from his narrow right-wing viewpoint. There is no trick to it, just a warped mindset on Rush鈥檚 part.
Funny isn%26#039;t it...The dems are soooo predictable...It doesn%26#039;t take much to know what they are going to do and yet we still stare at them with disbelief when they actually do it!
He made millions explaining how libs think. It%26#039;s not hard. If you thought they were going to come back without something being wrong it%26#039;s time to open your eyes.
He knows liberals better than they know themselves.

Or, you know what, just like an aboriginal Shaman he is able to predict the future by entering a drug induced state, I think that last one is more likely, based on his history.

* You feel Fidelity means not cheating on your mistress.

* You think that ########### corrupts women, but find nothing wrong

with a 50 year old president seducing a 21 year old intern.

* You cry every May 4th over the four people killed at Kent State, but

have never been to the Vietnam Memorial.

* Along the same lines, %26quot;Four Dead in OHIO%26quot; by Neil Young gives you

goosebumps, but %26quot;19%26quot; by Paul Hardcastle means nothing to you.

* You say shows like %26quot;Leave It to Beaver%26quot; are out of touch with America

today, while you flip to your soap opera.

* You know of the stockpile of biological weapons in Iraq, but think

that the US is wrong for not signing the land mines treaty.

* You want to know why we don%26#039;t offer schooling in prisons (hey, isn%26#039;t

that what public schools are for).

* You think those stupid ribbons actually ac! complish something.

* You tout the NAACP, but criticize anyone referring to a ######### as

a %26quot;colored person.%26quot;

* You think a mother has a right to kill an ######## 5 month fetus

because her pregnancy would interfere with her career, but feel we shouldn%26#039;t put to death the man who raped and murdered 14 women.

* You feel that banning smoking in public indoor places limits your

constitutional rights.

* You feel that being convicted of treason is an infringement on your

first amendment rights.

* You honestly feel that alcoholics deserve social security disability


* You outwardly said %26quot;I would have voted for Elizabeth Dole%26quot; knowing

darn well you wouldn%26#039;t have because she is a Republican.

* You think it is ok for a President to commit perjury on his sex life,

but criticize Dan Quayle for spelling potato/potatoe wrong.

* You stood on a soapbox demanding that Anita Hill be heard, but want Paula Jones%26#039; accusations to be swept under the rug.

* You think the guy who drops out of High School and builds your jeep

deserves more money than the doctor who went to college for 10 years

and saves your kids life.

* You sang along to %26quot;Give Peace a Chance%26quot; during the Gulf War.

* You%26#039;ve filed for unemployment within two weeks of getting out of high


* You went to Woodstock II and felt that it was a significant

historical event, changing the way our country thinks.

* You own something that says, %26quot;Dukakis for President,%26quot; and still



* You%26#039;ve tried to argue in favor of anything based on, %26quot;Well, they%26#039;re

gonna do it anyway so...%26quot;

* You%26#039;ve ever said, %26quot;We really should call the ACLU about this.%26quot;

* You believe that a few hundred loggers can find another career, but

the defenseless spotted owl must live in its preferred tree.

* You ever based an argument on the phrase,! %26quot;But they can afford a tax

hike because...%26quot;

* You%26#039;ve ever argued that with just one more year of welfare that

person will turn it around and get off drugs.

* You think Lennon was a brilliant social commentator.

* You keep count of how many people you know in each racial or ethnic


* You believe our government must do it because everyone in Europe


* After looking at your pay stub you can still say, %26quot;America is
