Friday, 7 October 2011

What are the most unusal things your cat steals?

Mine has stolen:

- Lighers

- Cigarettes

- Bullets *

- Gun Clips *

- Underwear

- Knives

- Scissors

- Anything else that counts as sharp including shaving razors. (Fortunately she has never harmed herself)

- Her ear medicine

She also steals the TV. She apparently doesn't always like our programing and sits on the remote until the channel changes. She likes nature shows with lots of animals especially bears.

* We did not have weapons or bullets out where she could have easy access to. We eventually had to put them in a high cabinet and tape the door shut to make sure she couldn't get to them. When we cleaned under the couch and found her %26quot;stash%26quot; we found that she had still gotten some. They are now in the gun safe.
What are the most unusal things your cat steals?
My cat Varmit would go 3 blocks up the street and steal their kittens and bring them home to me. He was three years old at the time and he was their father.
What are the most unusal things your cat steals?
Dang! Kitty's packin' heat!
Penny's! She takes them and then likes to put them in our shoes. I wouldn't belive it if I hadn't seen it myself.
My cat likes to steal q-tips from the trash (pretty gross). He also likes to steal food off my plate if I'm not looking or leave it on a table unwatched for 5 seconds (he once stole half a pork chop!). I was out of the habit of wearing my retainers and was going to throw them away but couldn't find them, turns out my cat had stole them from the upstairs bathroom and had hidden them under the desk downstairs. Finally, I have a water dish with constantly flowing water for him and he likes to watch the water at the top so I leave the top off. There is a coal filter in the machine and one days I went to fill his dish and the filter was gone. I later found it under my bed. I thought my brother or mom had taken it out because its not an easy thing to get out of the dish but they had nothing to do with it, I was amazed. Then he steals the ordinary things like socks if they are left out.
My cat used to steal bottle caps from beer. She'd stand on a chair and stretch her neck over the table and snatch them and run. I think she liked the smell.
My cousin had a cat once that stole her jewelry on more than one occasion.
That is one silly putty tat you have! LOL.

My cat hordes. He takes whatever is laying around and puts it in his food bowl. The funniest is helium balloons. He loves the dangly ribbons attatched to them and carries them through the house to his bowl. He tries to put them in there, but, of course they float up to the ceiling.
My two youngest (Ruby and Stewart) both will drag a tampon (not used!) out of my pocketbook whenever they see one. They'll carry one around in their mouths like it's a baton. It freaks out my husband, but I've always thought it was funny!
Our 6-month-old kitten just brought me the guineapig's brush-- apparently he wants to play 'fetch' with it.

Clothes (drags socks or shirts out of laundry basket)