I realized how much I gave -
*My time- helping fix up his house or just sitting there
*We always watched his tv programs (or he played video games) If I ever wanted to watch something he would usually counter with something else. He would Tivo a program I liked but if I wanted to watch it, it would have to be in the morning before he got up or if he was feeling %26quot;generous%26quot;
*He never thanked my family for gifts he received and expected us to help him meet his sales goals at the bank he worked for - ie open checking accounts, transfer money.
*Even when it was his turn to pay for a date he would con his way out of it-i'll park while you get the tickets, I forgot my wallet
*He never followed through on his %26quot;promises%26quot;- I'll bring you back here on our anniversary, I'll cook a special dinner for you
*He was more than willing to take advantage of my willingness to help and had me cleaning his house, using my truck to haul things for him
*He wouldn't take any constructive criticism and always wanted to be complimented and thought of as important but only when cornered would he give compliments.
What makes people like that and do they ever change?
Why are some people always takers?
i think that what this guy actually wanted was company but he did not actually want you. i know that sounds pretty harsh - but sweetie, thats just how some guys are.. i hope that you are able to go out and find an amazing guy- that wants to make you his number 1 , and he would do anything for you! there's one out there for everyone- do not give up .. and no- people normally do not change when they are like this- the very odd time- yes they can- but most of the time- a person is who they will be their whole life. they can not hide from who they are
:) xx
Why are some people always takers?
Sounds like you just bumped into (or maybe have an attraction to) selfish, ruthless men. There's no shame in it, especially since they have a lot of confidence and take what they want without any regard to other people. There are plenty of attractive qualities about them, but the simple fact of the matter is that they never change completely and they're not very good for long-term relationships.
You're always going to lose more in the end, so try to identify them or talk to them about it early.
Never blame the other person for taking advantage of you. It is your responsibility to stop, or even avoid those type of situations. No one can do to you, what you don't allow them to do to you.
Some people are just that way. A few eventually change when they mature, but most don't.
Just be glad he is not around to hurt you any longer. He will find someone else to treat badly now.
You are now able to find a decent guy that will respect you. Good Luck!!!
Because we let them be takers.
its how he was born and raised, to take advantage when you see the chance.
I think a relationship is where both parties can enjoy each others. If your ex is so selfish, then its your good fortune to dump him.
He just seems to keep taking but you do not seem to be drawing anything from him.
Besides, he does not seem gentlemanly enough by displaying basic etiquette such as footing a bill, keeping to his promises or not giving up to you on a more regular basis.
If he dumped you, then he is on the losing end, not you.
Good luck and cheerio...
Sarah, I don't think that they ever change. Just remember, that he will get his one day. You don't know but maybe the next girl he gets will take him for a loop, and it sounds as though he certainly deserves it! I was told that I was too easy on my ex, I should have been more pushy/bossy. I used to do what you did also, go to his house and sit while he wrapped up his music activities on his computer. I waited on him, and watched his stupid sport programs, which mind you he had to turn the tv on at 2 am and watch the stupid stuff! Sounds like you and I just got dealt two of the bad ones and I hope that we both find better versions down the road.
yea if that's how he was raised then there may be no changing him. some people just don't change for the better. he seems like a moocher and you don't need that at all.