i am a 30 year old mother of a 13 month old and married. My problem is that i dont do things in my life because i am always worried about what my mother is going to say. example: I graduated from a 2 year college many years ago after that i did not go to a university i had decided to attend nursing school so i took all the classes to get into the program then i changed my mine basically i have been up and down with what i want to get a career in ever since 2004. i would takes classes change my mind jsut never been solid with anything. now that i have a child and i c how the job that i currently have is BS. I want to just quit my job and take out a lona and go to school but i am so worried about whaty my mom will say. She will say that i am not serious, and getting a loan is a bad ideal%26quot; my arrgument will be well are you going to pay 4 school? i know that this is my life and i am a adult but i still value what she says. even when it comes to decorating she tells me that she does not like something in my house so then i take it back. This needs to stop.
Always worried about my moms opinion.?
Your an adult you have your own opinion and you want your child to have their own opinion. You can still value their opinion but you don't have to live by it. It's your life not hers. Im 18 ok, I have a good relationship with my parents. I have piercings that most of my extended family dislikes but I dont care. I asked my mum if i could get my hair dyed when I was 14 she said ok my dad said what will the relatives think. I thought screw em I had my hair dyed bright green just in time for the %26quot;Family Christmas party%26quot;%26quot; I enjoyed it. I have recently asked my mum what she would think if I got a tattoo and she said she thinks I would be stupid to get one but she knows that at the end of the day its my choice and if I want one im gonna get one. (Actually now she has changed her mind and is thinking of getting one herself :D )
When Picasso drew the first drawing of a helicopter people said he was mad. the same with the wright brothers and the airplane. If they cared what other people thought and changed their life to suit others around them we may have only just discovered paper airplanes last year.
You dont want to get to the end of your life and think gee I wish I did that. Be daring and try new things she may thing your stupid and she may say your stupid or she doesn't like it and if you want you say to her well I want to do It because I like it. If she gives you a hard time dont be afraid to stand up to her. If she is still trying to control your life now she is a dictator and you should tell her to shut up. but that's if its an extreme circumstance. My mothers father disagreed with my mother marrying my father. My mum stood up to him and said she will marry him. Her father said he didnt want to see my mum ever again. He died last year and you know what. till that day my mum kept her word and didnt see him, Although she did go to his funeral. I also kept my ground and refused to see him, although I didnt go to his funeral. It was hard I will admit but I wont let someone control my life.
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Always worried about my moms opinion.?
You got that right it does need to stop. You are a grown woman and it is your life.Good or bad that is why they call it life. First there is nothing wrong with getting advise from people that doesn't mean you will do it. Check into the Obama grants for working mothers. It states that if you earn under $45,000 a year then you can get this and you don't have to repay it.Also there is help out there to pay for daycare. You have to check where you live and see what they have to offer. Hope this helps