Friday, 7 October 2011

Did Bush score a big one against the democrats?

The outrage of the democrats seem to show that Bush caught them with their hands in the cookie jar. His remarks about the world giving Hitler a pass has been twisted to be an attack on obama. That seems like an admission of guilt on their part. Liberals always ignore history or try to change it to fit their program. After they ignore Carter's talking to Hamas the rush to defend Obama when there was really no attack on him.
Did Bush score a big one against the democrats?
I love it. For more then 7 years Bush, right or wrong has taken endless **** from the Dems and know they ***** and whine when Bush finally gives it back to them. As for Obama injecting himself into the issue, he will lose, his stance is not in question. You cannot negotiate with these people, unless it is with a gun to their head.
Did Bush score a big one against the democrats?
What are you talking about? And since when does Bush have any room to bash anyone. He has no credibility with America what soever....
Obama did it to himself. If he and his crowd were not so sensitive and defensive, he could have capitalized on it. To bad he's sad.
It just proves their ignorance and lack of intelligence thats for sure! Bush probably did not expect that- he did win that round! Ding Ding!

I think you need to watch this video.鈥?/a>

Learn some history and let me know when Obama gives the Sudetenland to Ahmadinejad.
Their panties got in a mega twist.
Dems don't remember when Gore was in Saudi Arabia bad mouthing Republicans. How soon they forget. Glad Bush brought the hammer down.
You screwed up the story. I would advise anyone who reads this to look up the true story on
I imagine it was purely an accident on Bush's part...and that makes it even funnier...
No because Reagan talk to Iran and that's what Bush was talking about.
Well, he sure got their collective panties in a was thats for sure.
Yeah especially since they keep saying certain presidents talked to the enemy like Roosevelt (did it by sending millions of troops in the costliest war in U.S. history as far as money ), Truman (by dropping 2 atomic bombs and entering the Korean War), Kennedy (by threatening to nuke the world) and Reagan (which took out one dictator, helped take out another dictator, and bombed yet another dictator).

Obama isn't going to be the next JFK, he is going to be the next Carter.
It wasn't so much what Bush said, as it was WHERE he said it. He's resorting to fear mongering and political slander, just like he always has.

Secondly, he has no credibility on the issue. His policies have put us in even greater danger and tarnished our standing in the world community. The Democrats should welcome his political attacks.
Yeah, too bad he was quoting a fellow Republican, William E. Borah. Talk about ignoring history, what a dummy Bush is!!
Obama the elitist.
I perceived the remarks as a dig at Obama, and a legitimate one. I agree with Bush that we ought to have learned from WWII that appeasement doesn't work. Not that Obama has proposed such a policy, but he was forced to clarify his position about sitting down to chat with terrorist groups. I'm not sure Bush should be talking about what works and doesn't, though, since his policies haven't.
I read what Bush said and he did not refer to Obama. In fact, he was referring to those within the Israeli government who want to negotiate with an organization that has, as part of its constitution, the expressed goal of Israel鈥檚 annihilation. However, in light of the fact that Obama is seen in a favorable light by Hamas and one of his aides was in talks with them, I can see how he thinks it was directed at him.鈥?/a>鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
dontt you know your not supposed to talk American politics overseas but what do expect from the who said his sacrifice for the troops was to stop playing golf instead of signing the GI bill him and mcbush are both opposing it saying its to expensive i mean for those two bastards to say anything is to expensive for the troops shows you how much this two a holes care about our country
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