Specifically when dealing with a DSL or cable modem connection. For security reasons. If you have a constant connection like DSL or cable, you%26#039;re always vurnable to attack since your IP never changes.
So is there a program that can automatically assign me a new IP address every time I connection to the Internet?|||You can try this: Go to your command prompt. type this: ipconfig(space)/release
Don%26#039;t actually type (space) just hit the space bar once.
Then type:
You should come up with a new IP address.
Another thing you can do is when you are finished with your internet session, go to your command prompt. type this: ipconfig(space)/release %26amp; log off.
But....do you realize your IP address is not the same as what others may see?
Your 192.168.X.X is a private address behind your router. The one the world sees is totally different.|||No and simply because you are on broadband of some sort does not mean that your IP never changes. They are leased to you by your ISP where the lease time can be as little as 24 hours. Your router automatically requests a new IP at the lease termination time, something you will not even notice happening. The new IP may or may not be the same as your previous IP.|||no IP address are assigned by the DHCP server from your ISP. They control the lease times, and they usually set it long enough so you always get the same. Unless you wait like months between long in times... having the same IP does not make you for vulnerable to attacks. That has nothing to do with it. Unless you are trying to hide something from someone out in cyber land. But that won%26#039;t really do it either