Saturday, 4 June 2011

How do I open Word documents automatically in another program?

I have a Mac and I don%26#039;t have word on my computer. I have text edit, but I also have another program similar to Works that I like better than text edit. The default program to open documents in is text edit, how do I change it so they always open into my other program?

Thanks|||addition to reply 1:

Word documents might not open correctly in other programs

Since you have a mac, you may want to look into OpenOffice (it will open Word documents correctly)鈥?/a> (look under teh MAC column)|||right click the file your trying to open and click open with and select what want to open it with and at bottom click always open with|||A lot of word processing programs recognise the universality of MS Word, and offer the option to open in that format, but not necessarily other program formats Check on your program options.