Saturday, 4 June 2011

How can I change the default program for displaying JPEG Pictures (now it is MS PAINT in WINDOWS XP) ?

As soon as a click at the JPEG Picture it defaults to show the picture in MS PAINT on the monitor (of course I can change it always manually to the desired display program - %26quot;open with xxxxxx%26quot;). So far I was unable to change the default display to eg. NERO or Adobe, etc.|||write click on jpeg file then go to properties and then u will find their deafult program to open the file click on change and select your wanted program and the apply ok and the new default program to open jpeg file is made

or u can also change it by open with and then selecting the always use this program to open the file|||Right click, properties, open with -%26quot;change%26quot;.|||i think you can change it manually and click the %26quot;always open this type with this program%26quot; or something to that effect. idk if that answers your question.|||Open with,change that setting back to the original setting.Picture|||Right click on the file and you will be getting %26quot;Properties%26quot; option. Click properties and select the default application as adope|||Try the following steps

1. Right click on any JPEG file

2. Select Open With -%26gt; Choose Program

3. From the appearing dialog box, select the program as “Windows Picture and Fax Viewer” (hope this is what you mean by Windows XP!!)

4. Thick the option called “Always use the selected program to open this kind of files”

5. Now press OK button

Your problem is now solved!

Hope this helps!!|||try this mate:

Right click on the picture.

Go to Open With...

Do not select any program in there instead click on the choose program at the bottom..

now it opens a dialog box with programs installed in ur PC.

Now click the the desire program u want to open it and check the box at the bottom of that dialog box which says %26quot; Always use this selected Program to open this type of file%26quot;.

Then from next time onwards ur Jpeg image opens with that selected program

I hope it will helps you.